Restaurant and other non-rated articles.
Saturday, October 17, was the public opening of Haven Hot Chicken in downtown New Haven—and there was a line down the block. Earlier in the week, my wife Ann and I were the first to attend the press opening of this exciting new Nashville hot chicken restaurant created by a team of industry veterans well known to followers of the Elm City food scene.
RSVP, a French restaurant in West Cornwall, isn’t for everyone, but it’s an absolute gift to those who are right for it. I wouldn’t be surprised if its owners would prefer not to have media coverage, because its seating capacity is very limited and it has developed a loyal cadre of customers who love it, understand it and are well-suited to the dining experience it offers.
On Wednesday, September 23, New Haven's Westville neighborhood was abustle with the press opening of Camacho Garage, which is from the team behind Shell & Bones in New Haven & Geronimo in New Haven and Fairfield. The restaurant's name, motif and Mexican street food theme are a tribute to chef and co-owner Arturo Franco-Camacho's father, Pedro Camacho, who operated a garage in Tijuana.